Yoga has gained global recognition today to become a healthy choice for many. Many of you still hesitate to take up yoga because of body flexibility, age factor, health issues, etc. What if we tell you that you can achieve complex asanas by overcoming all the setbacks? The answer is Iyengar Yoga. We have compiled a list of 5 reasons to switch to Iyengar Yoga. First, let us help you understand a little about Iyengar yoga.
What is Iyengar Yoga?
Iyengar yoga descends from Hatha yoga, named after B.K.S Iyengar, developed around 80 years back. He came up with this style of yoga because he wanted to promote yoga for all and make it accessible to everyone.
Iyengar yoga is a modern style of yoga deeply rooted in the principles of the traditional 8 limbs of yoga. It started the concept of yoga with props like yoga with chair, yoga with belt, yoga with blocks, etc.
Purpose of Iyengar Yoga
By using props, Iyengar yoga focuses on alignment, sequencing, and timing.
- Alignment means maintaining an asana pose within the capacity of the body. One of the key reasons for yoga with props is to assist during asana without risking injury.
- Sequencing means the order in which the asanas are practiced. Correct sequencing helps in safe and structured progression and helps in balancing better.
- Timing refers to holding a pose for a longer duration, unlike other yoga styles. Holding a pose for an extended period of time helps to intensify the posture. This is why it is an excellent yoga for strength and flexibility.
Studies show that Iyengar yoga has incredible benefits for the mind and body. There are many reasons to take up Iyengar yoga, but we give you 5 reasons to switch to Iyengar Yoga that you will not be able to ignore.
1.Improves Flexibility
Iyengar yoga does not need you to be able to bend at a perfect angle or be able to touch the toes to practice asanas. It is an excellent yoga to improve flexibility. Since props are used to stay in asanas for a longer duration. This style of yoga is slow & gentle, and it requires you to hold on to a posture without causing any pain or injury, which leads to better flexibility.
2.Toned Muscle & Better Posture
Iyengar yoga focuses on alignment by holding on to an asana for a longer duration and helps strengthen muscles. The focus on alignment makes it an ideal yoga for toning and yoga to improve posture. By staying in the asanas for a longer duration whole body is engaged. Along with the primary muscle, the focus is also on the interconnected that most people often ignore. This results in full body toning and improved posture by practicing asanas with prop over an extended time.
3.Holistic Health Improvement
While you hold on to asanas and improve alignment, Iyengar yoga also focuses on breathing in asanas that help you improve various health issues. Since it focuses on body alignment, it is an ideal yoga for arthritis, yoga for asthma, yoga for diabetes, and many more.Additionally, it focuses on body improvement and ignoring unwanted thoughts, which results in a calmer mind. It is a go-to yoga for stress and yoga for anxiety.
4.Improves Focus and Concentration
As seen above, Iyengar yoga helps you focus on body alignment and a calm mind, which aids increase focus on your everyday activity. You will realize that your work has improved since your concentration level has increased. This is the perfect yoga for the younger generation as it will help them perform better in studies and other activities.
5.Yoga for All
Iyengar yoga is for everyone and of all ages, which is why it is one of the favored yoga for the elderly, yoga for beginners, and yoga for motherhood. You can take up Iyengar yoga any time under the guidance of trained teachers and experts. Even if you are practicing other styles of yoga, you can include Iyengar yoga in your regular practice.
We hope the information provided motivates you to incorporate Iyengar yoga practice into your regular schedule. Once you become used to doing yoga with props, you can get creative with asanas.
We are an upcoming yoga centre in Kanakpura Road specialising in Iyengar yoga, hatha yoga, ashtanga yoga, prenatal & postnatal yoga, yoga therapy, and Ayurveda. For queries please email
written by
Shilpa Rao
Content writer & student of Sampurnah yoga